Thursday, February 19, 2009

Interview Tips-be ready for the killer questions (extract from CIMA Insight Feb 09)

Interviews – be ready for the killer questions. Successful job interviews are all about preparation. Here is a list of questions that are frequently asked at interviews and how to answer them. Plus some smart questions that you can ask.

Q. Why are you seeking new employment?A. Don’t be negative about your current job or employer. Stay positive and focus on your achievements explaining how moving jobs will help you to develop your career.

Q. What are your strengths and weaknesses?A. Prepare this in advance by identifying three or four key strengths. Adjust these to fit with what you perceive the interviewer is looking for and back them up with practical examples. Explain how your strengths have benefited previous employers. Where possible you should find ways to present your weaknesses as strengths. For example, if you say that you’re not feeling challenged, ensure you demonstrate a proactive approach to keeping yourself motivated.

Q. What salary are you looking for?A. Your CV could indicate a salary range that allows scope for negotiation. Remember that your recruitment consultant can handle this negotiation for you.

Q. What attracted you to this organisation?A. Research the company thoroughly and identify how it can help fulfil your career aspirations. Refer to your research, and discuss the observations you have made. Listen carefully to the responses given.

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